Sunday, February 27, 2011

Misconception #2: Every powwow dancer can hoop dance

Not every dancer who participates in Native American powwows can hoop dance. And, not every hoop dancer does powwows.

Powwows are Native American social events where many people (from lots of tribes) dance.  Powwow dancers have a wide range of experience.  They range from the dancers who enter the dance circle once or twice in a decade to the hardcore competitors who hit a powwow every single weekend.

The vast majority of Native American dancers specialize in a single dance style.  There are at least 8 powwow dance styles plus tribal and regional styles, not even counting hoop dancing.  Each style is a living dance; they can evolve drastically over time.  The styles takes a lifetime to master and regularity to keep with the changes.

It is rare that a dance can reach world-class quality in more than one Native American dance style.  It is also rare to find a dancer that can be a champion hoop dancer and powwow dancer.

From my: Top 10 Native American Hoop Dancing Misconceptions

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