
A Little About Myself

I am a Native American hoop dancer. I love hoop dancing and feel lucky to be able to do it.

Right now, I dance with five hoops. I also compete in other dance categories at Native American powwows. I use footwork from jingle, sidestep, and fancy shawl in my hoop dancing.

I wanted to hoop dance as far back as I could remember.  When I was a toddler, I met my first hoop dancer.  I so clearly remember watching her spinning and dancing with the hoops.  When I turned ten, I started hoop dancing with the help and encouragement of that same dancer.

My family is of course Native.  Lots of my family dances at powwows.  I, however, am the only hoop dancer. I like being unique.

Some people think that hoop dancers only dance.  This is not true.  Besides hoop dancing, I'm an honors student, a violinist, on a competitive basketball team, and write piano/violin notes. Plus, I'm now a blogger. 


As you might have noticed, I have chosen to remain anonymous so far.  I guess it's the fear of failure.  A lot of your questions about me should be answered above.  If you need to get ahold of me, comment on this page and I will get back to you.

My Other Pages



  1. hello,
    I Hula Hoop myself but not Native American style. this is actually the first time i´ve come across it.
    I´d love to know more. Do you know if there are any Native American Hula Hoopers in the UK?
    thank you so much!

  2. Are you still hoop dancing? My son is going to be receiving his Eagel award for Boy Scouts and when I received mine a long time ago they had some dancers come and performed. It was a highlight of the award presentation.

  3. Thankyou . My love of juggling hoops has a finite name. Why did I start. Don t know but it has helped me manage p arkinsons disease .

  4. I'm looking for lessons. I'm of Cree decent. My contact is
