Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Part 1: What (Not?) to Wear...Hoop Dancer Edition

I have decided for sure that I need a new outfit to compete at Worlds in February 2012 (if I am lucky enough to make it that far.) 

Right now, I am using a fancy shawl powwow outfit for hoop dancing, minus the shawl.   My Grandma helped me get the outfit and it's actually very pretty but there are a few things about it that make hoop dancing hard. 

First, the outfit has a skirt without slits.  During a lot of my hoop dance, I have hoops balanced at different angles and heights between my feet.  (My mom calls this "not very lady like." She's right but it's a necessity!) During other parts of my dance, I do things like splits.  A skirt without slits just is not practical for these types of moves - for real. 

Second, the outfit has a "yoke" (no joke) as part of the top.  A yoke is extra fabric/beadwork, looking kind of like a small apron, that covers your shoulder blades and are attached to a vest at the shoulders.  (I feel like I'm not describing this well.)  Since yokes are "extra" material, they can get caught in hoops - not good.

Between the skirt and the yoke, this outfit is not the most practical.  Thus, I am in search of outfit ideas.  Wish me luck.

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